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Resources and

While teaching at various institutions and universities, Lauren has had the opportunity to collaborate with professionals and friends across all types of scientific, STEM, and tech communications. To learn more about improving your communication, writing, presentation, and storytelling skills, check out the provided resources.

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The Craft of Scientific Presentations

To excel in scientific presentations, The Craft of Scientific Presentations advocates the assertion-evidence approach. This approach calls for building the presentation on messages, not phrase topics. Moreover, those messages should be supported by visual evidence rather than bulleted lists. Finally, to explain that evidence, you should fashion sentences on the spot (but after planning and practice). Presentations that follow the assertion-evidence approach are in a much better position to be understood, remembered, and believed.
The Craft of Scientific Presentations

The Craft of Scientific Writing

Written by Michael Alley who has degrees in applied physics, engineering, and fiction writing, this book provides a unique perspective on scientific writing. Perhaps what most distinguishes this book are the scores of examples that Alley uses to illustrate important principles. Alley has taught scientific writing on four continents, in sixteen countries, and at more than 150 companies, laboratories, universities, and agencies. This advice in this book benefits from that experience. If you are looking for a recipe on how to communicate your scientific work, look elsewhere. This book captures many of he nuances that distinguish the best best scientific writing.
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Christine Haas Consulting

Hook Your Audience. Pitch With Style. Tell Your Story.

Bring relevance to your work, speak with confidence, and craft an engaging narrative using Christine's dynamic brand of presentation techniques. Scientists and engineers are today's pioneers. Their research and inventions are pivotal in solving 21st-century problems. Christine Haas is a communications specialist who empowers these forward-thinkers with fresh communication tools and the confidence to make their message stick.
Check out my book! Or continue to improve your communication and storytelling skills by checking out some of my favorite books. 
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